------------------------------------------------------------ README for Microsoft NetMeeting 2.0 April 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1997 This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to supplement existing documentation. ------------------------ HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ------------------------ To view Netmeet.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Netmeet.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu. CONTENTS ======== SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND SETUP USING MICROSOFT NETMEETING PLACING A CALL RECEIVING A CALL SHARING AN APPLICATION WHITEBOARD CHAT FILE TRANSFER AUDIO COMMUNICATION HANGING UP VIDEO GENERAL KNOWN ISSUES WINDOWS NT ISSUES SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND SETUP ============================= Microsoft(R) NetMeeting(TM) enables real-time audio, video, and data communication over the Internet. In order to use Microsoft NetMeeting, you must have the following configuration: - Microsoft Windows(R) 95 - At least a 486/66 processor with 8 megabytes of RAM (Pentium with 12 MB of RAM recommended) --or-- - Microsoft Windows NT(R) version 4.0 - At least a 486/66 processor with 16 megabytes of RAM - Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 required to enable sharing applications on Windows NT Important Notes * NetMeeting does not run on Windows version 3.1. * It is strongly recommended that all NetMeeting users upgrade to NetMeeting 2.0 to avoid incompatibility issues. * It is strongly recommended that you uninstall earlier beta versions of Microsoft NetMeeting before installing NetMeeting 2.0. - NetMeeting works best with a fast Internet connection (a 28.8-baud or faster modem or a local area network). - To use the audio features of NetMeeting, you need a sound card, speakers, and a microphone. - To use the video features of NetMeeting, you need either a video- capture card and camera or a video camera that connects through your computer's parallel (printer) port. You will not be able to send video on some computers with a processor slower than a Pentium. Computers with a bidirectional (ECP or EPP) parallel port will perform noticeably better with parallel port video cameras than computers with a unidirectional parallel port. Cameras that connect to a video-capture card will use less of your computer's processor than cameras that connect through your computer's parallel port. It is recommended that you not use a color parallel port camera unless your computer is at least a Pentium 133. - The application-sharing feature may not perform well while you are using audio and video and are connected over a slow connection. Additionally, you might experience "choppy" audio while using video. The default setting for video over a 28.8-baud modem connection is low quality. To change this setting, click the Tools menu, click Options, click the Video tab, and then change the Video Quality option. - Windows NT users will be able to share applications if they have installed Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0. - If you are unable to use some of NetMeeting's features, there may be a problem with your installation of NetMeeting. Uninstall NetMeeting, download the latest version, and try again. - If NetMeeting is installed in a directory with a path that contains extended characters, application sharing might not work. For more information about NetMeeting, including the NetMeeting Resource Kit, see http://www.microsoft.com/netmeeting/. For the NetMeeting Software Development Kit (SDK), see http://www.microsoft.com/netmeeting/. To run Microsoft NetMeeting --------------------------- 1. After installation, if a dialog box appears asking if you want to restart your computer, click Yes. 2. Start Microsoft NetMeeting as follows: Click the Start button, point to Programs, and then click Microsoft NetMeeting. 3. When you open NetMeeting for the first time, a wizard appears that helps you get ready to use NetMeeting. If you cancel this wizard, you will not be able to use NetMeeting. To uninstall Microsoft NetMeeting --------------------------------- 1. In Control Panel, double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. 2. On the Install/Uninstall tab, click Microsoft NetMeeting, and then click Add/Remove. 3. If a dialog box appears asking if you want to restart your computer, click Yes. Warnings and Known Bugs ----------------------- - If you uninstall Windows NT Service Pack 3 after installing NetMeeting 2.0, you will receive an error message when you restart your computer. To prevent this, carry out the following steps: 1. Close the error message window. 2. Click Cancel in the Display Property Dialog 3. In Control Panel, click the Devices icon. 4. Click mnmdd, and then click the Startup button. 5. Change the Startup Type from System to Disabled, and then click OK. 6. Restart your computer so the change can take effect. USING MICROSOFT NETMEETING ========================== - Microsoft NetMeeting now includes support for the H.323 audio and video conferencing standard. NetMeeting can be used to place calls to and receive calls from products that are H.323 compatible, including the Intel Internet Video Phone. With appropriate equipment and services that are currently under development by third parties, NetMeeting can place a telephone call using an H.323 gateway. - Microsoft maintains the following User Location Servers on the Internet: ils.microsoft.com ils1.microsoft.com ils2.microsoft.com ils3.microsoft.com ils4.microsoft.com ils5.microsoft.com You can use one of these even if it does not appear in the list of servers in the wizard. Note * You will not be able to use these servers to locate people on the Internet if you connect to the Internet through a proxy server that does not support Remote WinSock. - Audio and video work only over TCP/IP and with one other person at a time. You can use all other features with more than one other person over TCP/IP, modems, and IPX. - NetMeeting supports meetings of up to 32 people. In addition, you can be connected to only one other person with audio and video at a time. Only three people at a time can share applications running on their computers. The total number of people who can successfully participate in your meeting will vary based on available network bandwidth and the speed of the participants' computers. - Some activities cause large amounts of data to be sent between the computers in your meeting (for example, speaking and sharing several applications while transferring a large file). In extreme cases, this might cause computers in the meeting to become very slow. To remedy this, stop one or more of the meeting activities. - If you try to make a TCP/IP call on your local area network or through a proxy server and MSN or Dial-Up Networking displays a connection dialog box, you can disable this by double-clicking the Internet icon in Control Panel and then making sure that Auto-Dial is not selected. - Sharing of DirectX, OpenGL, MS-DOS(R), and graphics-intensive games and AVIs does not work well and is not supported. - If different computers have different screen resolutions during a meeting, the shared windows can be as large as the highest resolution desktop allows. Users with lower resolution desktops must scroll to view windows that don't fit their screens. - You must have a 32-bit TCP/IP stack and Windows sockets interface to use NetMeeting with TCP/IP. NetMeeting has been tested with the 32-bit TCP/IP and Windows sockets built into Windows 95 and Windows NT version 4.0. - Application sharing, Whiteboard, and Chat might not work properly between computers with different language settings and keyboard layouts. - Microsoft NetMeeting supports using Windows 95 and Windows NT version 4.0 system policies to set default configurations in a corporate environment. Microsoft NetMeeting system policies are documented, and a system policy file is included in the NetMeeting Resource Kit. For more information about the NetMeeting Resource Kit, see http://www.microsoft.com/netmeeting/. - If NetMeeting hangs when it starts, check to see whether there are damaged fonts in your Fonts folder. - NetMeeting does not function properly over SLIRP connections or other simulated SLIP/PPP connections. PLACING A CALL ============== You can place Microsoft NetMeeting calls to multiple users. Any person in a meeting can place NetMeeting calls to other people. In addition, other people can join a NetMeeting call in progress by calling one of the participants. Warnings and Known Bugs ----------------------- - If you cannot connect to someone by using their computer name, try using their IP address. - If you click someone's name in the Web directory and get a message asking whether you would like to open or save the file, select open file. - If you click someone's name in the Web directory and get a message saying that the file type is unrecognized, you need to configure your browser to associate the ILS directory files with Microsoft NetMeeting. For instructions on how to do this, refer to your browser documentation. You will need the following information: MIME file type: "text/iuls" Command line: "rundll32.exe msconf.dll,NewMediaPhone %l" MIME file type: "text/h323" Command line: "rundll32.exe msconf.dll,NewMediaPhone %l" - Some ISDN devices are configured to automatically connect to the network. This might cause the ISDN device to try to connect to the network while NetMeeting is running. To stop this from happening, turn off Auto-Dial on the ISDN device. - If you do not see your name in the directory, you might not be logged on, or you might be logged on to a different directory server. To change the directory server you log on to, click the Tools menu, click Options, click Calling, and then change your Server Name. To log on to the directory server, click the Call menu, and then click Log On To [your directory server]. - If you have an active network connection using a network card and a second active connection using a modem or a second network card, you might not be able to connect to the directory. - Some conference bridges are case-sensitive, so when you type the conference name to place a call, you may need to use the same capitalization as that shown on the bridge. - To receive calls over your modem, click the Tools menu, click Options, click the Protocols tab, and then make sure that Modem is selected. Select the Modem protocol, and then click Properties. Select the Use Modem To Receive Calls check box. - You can enable either the Modem protocol or the Null Modem protocol, but you cannot enable both at the same time. To enable either protocol, click the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Protocols tab. - NetMeeting does not detect incoming calls on a COM port to which a null modem cable is connected. To receive calls over a null modem cable, you must place a call on the COM port. - Changes made to the COM port properties in NetMeeting apply only in NetMeeting. It is recommended that you do not change the COM port settings while you are placing or participating in a NetMeeting call. - NetMeeting uses the COM port typed into the New Call dialog box to place the call, not the COM port specified in the Null Modem Protocol Properties dialog box. - NetMeeting can use only COM1 and COM2 to place and receive null modem calls. - NullModem calls at high baud rates may not work. - If you connect to someone through a proxy server, you may need to manually connect audio and video after joining the call. - If you are using Dial Up Networking and are not automatically connected with audio and video when you place a call, or experience slow connect times turn off IP header compression. RECEIVING A CALL ================ You are ready to receive incoming calls if you are running Microsoft NetMeeting and have not selected Do Not Disturb on the Call menu. Warnings and Known Bugs ----------------------- - If you are not able to receive calls, it may be because your IP address is registered incorrectly with the directory service. You can prevent this by releasing the LAN IP address before connecting to the Internet. To release the IP address, do the following: On Windows 95 Click the Start menu, click Run, and then type Winipcfg.exe On Windows NT Click the Start menu, click Run, and then type Ipconfig /release SHARING AN APPLICATION ====================== Any person in a meeting can share an application with the other participants. When you share an application, other people can see the application. When you Collaborate, other people can both see and use the application. Warnings and Known Bugs ----------------------- - Windows NT users will be able to share applications if they have installed Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0. - If NetMeeting is installed in a directory where the path that contains extended characters, application sharing might not work. - Sharing one Windows Explorer window shares all of them. If you run a program while sharing Windows Explorer, the program will also be shared. Examples of Windows Explorer windows include Control Panel, Briefcase, the Received Files folder, or any Windows Explorer folder. - When you share an application and collaborate, remote users can use the File Open and File Save dialog boxes in your application to gain access to or delete files on your computer or network. To stop someone from using your shared program while you do not have control of the cursor, press ESC. To stop someone from using your shared program while you do have control of the cursor, click the Stop Collaborating button. It is not recommended that you leave your computer unattended while sharing an application and collaborating. - When you launch another application from within the application you are sharing (such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from within Microsoft Word), there's a possiblity that the recently launched application won't be shared properly. - You cannot drag an object onto a shared application or drag an object from a shared application to the desktop. - When you share an application with an Input Method Editor (IME), you should show the IME status bar so that other people can use the mouse to activate the IME. If the IME does not support showing the status bar, or if other people are having trouble activating the IME, you should activate and deactivate the IME for them. - If the IME window fails to repaint during a meeting, you can cause it to repaint by clicking anywhere on the desktop. - You cannot share versions of Ecco Pro earlier than version 4.0. - You may not be able to share applications on a computer with a product installed that has application sharing or remote control features. - It is strongly recommended that you not share any untitled application. WHITEBOARD ========== The Whiteboard enables you to draw simultaneously with other people. Everyone in the meeting can see what is drawn on the Whiteboard. When one person in a meeting runs Whiteboard, it appears on everyone's screen. Warnings and Known Bugs ----------------------- - On a computer running Windows NT, if the directory in which NetMeeting is installed contains spaces in its name, you will not be able to run Whiteboard or Chat. - Whiteboard does not maximize to the full size of a 1024 by 768 or larger display. CHAT ==== Chat enables you to type messages for other users to see. When one person in a meeting runs Chat, it appears on everyone's screen. Chat files are stored with the .txt file extension. If Microsoft Notepad, or another program that can read files in .txt format, is installed on your computer, it can be used to open Chat files. Warnings and Known Bugs ----------------------- - On a computer running Windows NT, if the directory in which NetMeeting is installed contains spaces in its name, you will not be able to run Whiteboard or Chat. FILE TRANSFER ============= - Files dragged onto the list of people on the Current Call tab are sent to all the people in the meeting. - To send a file to a specific person, right-click that person's name in the list of people in the meeting, and then click Send File. - To send a file to everyone in the meeting, click the Tools menu, click File Transfer, and then click Send File. Warnings and Known Bugs ----------------------- - If you try to send a shortcut to a file, the actual file will be sent instead. - Exchanging files with Intel ProShare 2.0 does not always work properly. AUDIO COMMUNICATION =================== - Audio is supported only over TCP/IP and with one other person. - Sound quality can vary significantly depending on your sound card and microphone. - Using full-duplex audio can require both more bandwidth and more CPU than using half-duplex audio, and therefore may result in poor sound quality. Warnings and Known Bugs ----------------------- - If you are using a WinNov video-capture card and have selected it as your wave device for recording audio, you must use a camera that connects to the Multimedia Extension Connector and includes a microphone. On the other hand, you can select your computer's sound card as the wave device in the Audio Tuning Wizard and plug a microphone into your sound card. - Audio input for users of WinNov cameras will automatically be switched whenever video is in use. If your video is connected using the MXC connection, the camera input will be used for audio. If your video is connected using the Composite or S-Video connection, the Line Input will be used for audio. - Users of Microsoft NetMeeting and Intel Internet Video Phone can talk to each other only if both users have a computer with a Pentium processor. - You may receive a message in the Audio Tuning Wizard that explains that your sound card is unsupported. This occurs when the sound card does not support some of the features required for it to be supported by NetMeeting. The audio features in NetMeeting may work even if you get this message, but you might experience poor audio quality. If your sound card is unsupported, you might want to contact the manufacturer to find out if newer sound card drivers are available. - If you are experiencing "choppy" full-duplex sound quality, try switching NetMeeting to half-duplex sound quality. To do this, carry out the following steps: 1. Make sure that you are not in a NetMeeting call. 2. On the Tools menu, click Options. 3. On the Audio tab, clear the Enable Full Duplex Audio check box. It is recommended that you not switch between full-duplex and half-duplex audio while in a meeting with audio. - If you are having problems with your audio quality or sound card when using NetMeeting, the problems could be related to your hardware configuration or driver installation. To see the latest support information, click the Help menu, and then click Online Support. - If your computer has more than one audio device, you should make sure that the audio devices selected in the Audio Tuning Wizard match the selections in the Multimedia properties in Control Panel. - If you upgrade your computer's processor, you should re-run the audio tuning wizard. - Full-duplex audio might not work with Media Vision Pro Audio Spectrum 16 sound cards. - Computers with a 486 processor will not be able to use audio with other software based on the H.323 audio conferencing standard over a Dial-Up Networking (modem) connection. They will be able to use audio with other NetMeeting users over a Dial-Up Networking connection or with other H.323- based audio conferencing products over a local area network (LAN). - When you are in an audio conference using NetMeeting, an application that has the ability to record sound, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, will appear to be recording sound as instructed. However, since NetMeeting is already using the sound card, the other application is not actually recording. - If you have a Tecra 740, you may need to manually set the microphone volume level in the Multimedia properties in Control Panel. - If you experience poor audio quality, try un-checking the microphone check box and then checking it again. HANGING UP ========== When you hang up, you disconnect anyone you have called or anyone who called you. If the disconnected users have invited or accepted other users into the meeting, they are also disconnected. Audio connections between people might not be disconnected. VIDEO ===== - To use the video features of NetMeeting, you need either a video-capture card and camera or a video camera that connects through your computer's parallel (printer) port. Sending video does not work on some computers that have a processor slower than a Pentium. - Video is supported only over TCP/IP and with only one other person at a time. - Running video in a multiuser meeting can negatively impact performance on all the computers in the meeting. For example, opening a video window while sharing an application can make it difficult for others to take control of the application. - If you have more than one video device installed, or have not properly uninstalled a video device that was previously installed, you might not be able to use video. - If your video device is not properly uninstalled and you have enabled video in NetMeeting, the remaining camera software may warn you repeatedly that it cannot find the camera. - If your computer does not have a Pentium processor, you will not be able to send video. - Computers with a bidirectional (ECP or EPP) parallel port will perform noticeably better with parallel video cameras than computers with a unidirectional parallel port. - Cameras that connect to a video-capture card will use less of your computer's processor than cameras that connect through your computer's parallel port. It is recommended that you not use a color parallel port camera unless your computer is at least a Pentium 133. - If you disconnect your camera while using the video features in NetMeeting, your camera's software may display messages telling you that the camera is not responding. To disable these messages, click the Tools menu, click Options, click Video, and then clear the Automatically Send Video At The Start Of Each Call check box. - It is recommended that you not run another program that uses video while running NetMeeting. - If some areas of your video window contain the wrong colors, your camera might be aimed at an area with insufficient light. Some video drivers might provide a low-light filter option. - If you are using the video features in a dark area, some cameras will cause your computer to become extremely slow and unresponsive. - If you use a Black and White Connectix Camera, it is recommended that you use the version 2.1 update (or newer) of the video drivers. You can download drivers from http://www.conectix.com. - Audio input for users of WinNov cameras will be automatically switched whenever video is in use. If your video is connected using the MXC connection, the camera input will be used for audio. If your video is connected using the Composite or S-Video connection, the Line Input will be used for audio. - With some cameras, manually adjusting the settings in the source and format dialogs rather than letting the video driver software do it automatically may reduce CPU usage. GENERAL KNOWN ISSUES ==================== - You cannot run ReachOut 5.0 on computers on which Microsoft NetMeeting is installed. - To find the name that NetMeeting uses as your NetBIOS name, carry out the following steps: 1. In Control Panel, double-click the Network icon, and then click the Identification tab. 2. Select the Computer Name check box. - If you use User Profiles to maintain your Windows preferences on all the computers on a network, you might have to run the Audio Tuning Wizard again when you switch computers. - Both Microsoft FrontPage and Microsoft NetMeeting currently use the same file type (.cnf). - When you are in a meeting, your Clipboard is shared with everyone else in the meeting. This enables you to paste objects other people cut or copy to the Clipboard into your local programs. You can set a system policy that disables Clipboard sharing. - If you are running Windows 95 Version 4.00.950 B, and you cancel the Dial-Up Networking dialog box that appears when you start NetMeeting, NetMeeting appears to stop responding; however, NetMeeting will work properly after about two minutes. You will not be logged onto the directory server until you manually connect to your Internet service provider and then on the Call menu, choose Log On To [your directory server]. - If you create a SpeedDial shortcut, clicking Send To Mail Recipient will work only if your e-mail program is MAPI-aware (for example, Microsoft Outlook Express). - You can return calls by using the incoming call log only if the person who called you was using NetMeeting 2.0. WINDOWS NT ISSUES ================= - Windows NT users will be able to share applications if they have installed Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0. - Enabling Application Sharing on Windows NT may degrade the performance of your display driver. This will impact the rate at which information is drawn on the screen. - Creative Labs' latest SoundBlaster drivers (posted on their Web site January 15, 1997) are not compatible with NetMeeting. To send audio, the user must uninstall these new drivers and install the original SoundBlaster drivers that shipped with Windows NT 4.0. - Windows NT users will experience problems if they share a 32-bit application and then insert an object that is a package. This opens the Object Packager, which is automatically shared and will subsequently fault. This fault will not cause the original shared application or NetMeeting to fault, only the Object Packager. - NetMeeting audio quality will be poor, or audio will not work at all, if you enabled the floating point workaround during installation of Windows NT on a computer that is equipped with a flawed Intel Pentium chip. - When you share a 16-bit application, all the 16-bit applications that are running on your computer will also automatically be shared. - If you are using NetMeeting on Windows NT and you are unable to receive a call, restart your computer and try again. - If you do not have a sound card, you will need to manually specify the bandwidth of your connection. To do this, click the Tools menu, click Options, and then click Network Bandwidth. - You may need to uninstall Dial-Up Networking in order to logon to a Directory Server via a proxy. - If, after placing a call, NetMeeting says it is waiting for a response from the other person for more than 1 minute, quit NetMeeting and try to contact the person again. - If you are unable to see a video image in NetMeeting, is recommended that you upgrade to DirectDraw 3.0 or newer. - If you suspend your computer, or if it is set to suspend automatically, you should completely quit and restart NetMeeting after resuming. - If you receive a SpeedDial in an email message, your mail program may convert it to a text (.txt) file. You will be able to use it as a SpeedDial if you rename it such that it's name ends in .cnf.